Marine Repair & Vessel Renovation
Mississippi Marine Corporation is a full-service shipyard involved in the repair of inland and offshore marine vessels of all types. We back our total commitment with experienced manpower and dependable equipment. And we provide our services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
Our three yards are spread across 40 acres located at Mile Marker 538.7 on Lake Ferguson in Greenville, Mississippi. After our in-house construction of two new 4000 ton dry docks, we now have six dry docks ranging in capacity from 2000 to 4000 tons. We also have five floating cranes and three harbor boats. This makes our repair facilities capable of handling virtually any vessel operating on the inland waterways.
Our extensive equipment and valued expertise allow us to provide the following repair and renovation services:
Above and below water repairs
Engine re-powering
Cleaning facility
Gas freeing
Local marine chemist
Complete mechanical, electrical and carpentry repairs
Night shift operations
Full service machine shop
Sandblasting and painting
Steam heating
Anhydrous ammonia flaring
Slop oil disposal
Temporary fuel storage
Free Fleeting
Free customer spare storage with monthly inventory
Marine Repair & Vessel Renovation
Mississippi Marine Corporation is a full-service shipyard involved in the repair of inland and offshore marine vessels of all types. We back our total commitment with experienced manpower and dependable equipment. And we provide our services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
Our three yards are spread across 40 acres located at Mile Marker 538.7 on Lake Ferguson in Greenville, Mississippi. After our in-house construction of two new 4000 ton dry docks, we now have six dry docks ranging in capacity from 2000 to 4000 tons. We also have five floating cranes and three harbor boats. This makes our repair facilities capable of handling virtually any vessel operating on the inland waterways.
Our extensive equipment and valued expertise allow us to provide the following repair and renovation services:
Above and below water repairs
Engine re-powering
Cleaning facility
Gas freeing
Local marine chemist
Complete mechanical, electrical and carpentry repairs
Night shift operations
Full service machine shop
Sandblasting and painting
Steam heating
Anhydrous ammonia flaring
Slop oil disposal
Temporary fuel storage
Free Fleeting
Free customer spare storage with monthly inventory
A portion of our customer spares storage

One of our harbor boats, the Capt. Stovall
One of our floating cranes, an 80-ton Link-Belt
Our machine shop's 35-foot lathe
Submerged arc welder and lathe
Mechanic's shop